ANE Departments and Collections inThe United Kingdom

-ANE Departments and Collections-

Oxford University

Faculty of Oriental Studies (Near Eastern Studies Programme)
Faculty I've heard of/read: -Graham Cunningham- Research Officer
- Stephanie Dalley - Shillito Fellow in Assyriology
-Jarle Ebeling- Research Officer
- Marc Van De Mieroop - Professor of Assyriology
Notes: Students introduction available here
Hosts the Electrontic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature
and The Diachronic Corpus of Sumerian Literature

Associated Colletion: the Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology,
CDLI: Enter "Ashmolean" in the Collections field, mueum siglum "ashm", "Bod S" (Bodleian Collection, housed with the Ashmolean).
Publications: AAICAB, Kish ,

University of London

The School of Oriental and African Studies -SOAS- (Department of the Languages and Cultures of Near and Middle East)
Faculty I've heard of: - Andrew George - Professor of Babylonian
Farouk N H Al-Rawi- Professorial Research Associate

Associated Collection: The British Museum:
CDLI: Enter "British Museum" in the Collections field, museum siglem "BM"
Notes: The Curator here is Irving Finkel

The University of Birmingham

Institute of Archaeology and Antiquity (Cuneirform and Ancient Near Eastern Studies Mphil)
Faculty Ive heard of/read: - Alasdair Livingstone- Reader in Assyriology,
Notes: Hosts the Cuneiform Digital Palaeography Project,

Associated Collection: Birmingham Museums and Art Gallery
CDLI: Enter "Birmingham" into the Collections field
Publications: P.J. Watson, Catalogue of cuneiform tablets in Birmingham City Museum

The University of Cambridge

Department of Asian & Middle Eastern Studies (Assyriology)
Faculty Ive heard of/read: - Nicolas Postgate- Professor of Assyriology
- Martin Worthington- Phd in Assyriology
Notes: Produces BSA (Bulletin on Sumerian Agriculture)

Associated Collection: University of Cambridge Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
CDLI: Museum siglum “IES”
Publications: TJA - E. Szlechter, Tablettes juridiques et administratives de la IIIe dynastie d’Ur et de la Ire Dynastie de Babylone ... (Paris 1963)

Fitzwilliam Museum - Cambridge, (search antiquities field for “cuneiform”)
CDLI: Enter “Fitzwilliam” into the collections field, museum siglum “FM”
Publications: TJA - E. Szlechter, Tablettes juridiques et administratives de la IIIe dynastie d’Ur et de la Ire Dynastie de Babylone ... (Paris 1963)

(No associated collections found)

The University College, London

Department of Hebrew and Jewish Studies
Faculty Ive heard of/read: - Markham J. Geller - Jewish Chronicle Professor of Jewish Studies
Notes: Although not an ANE department, it appears Geller does teach Sumerian from the ULC


(associated departments not identified yet)

The Schoyen Collection (Oslo/London)
h (refer to each category of manuscript, Sumerian listed at top)
CDLI: Schoyen tablets catalgoued at cdli for example MS 3283, appear to be registered as “Private collection, anonymous”
Publications: According to the website, A. George (possible others) are in the process of publishing the cuneiform there

John Rylands Library
at the University of Manchester,
CDLI: Enter "Rylands" into the collection field, Museum siglum "JRL"
Publications: T. Fish, Catalogue of the Sumerian Tablets in the John Rylands Library (others availbe at above url)

Bolton Museum and Art Gallery
Notes: The above url states “Also from Iraq a nice small group of engraved cylinder seals and cuneiform tablets came with the gift of the Ragdale collection “

University of Durham Oriental Museum (vague)
CDLI: Museum Siglum “DUROM”

Egypt Centre at the University of Wales, Swansea
Notes: Seems to be a tiny collection the only Sumerian Cuneiform would seem to be:

Hunterian Museum Glasgow
Cdli: N/A
notes: Tiny collection, search collections for “cuneiform”

Merseyside County Museums, Liverpool
CDLI: Enter “Meseryside” in to the collections field, museum siglum “liv”
Publications: MCS 4-8, Orient 16
