Ur III Incantations

- 55+ Incantations -


While the provenance of some Ur III incantations remains uncertain,
one comes from Puzrišdagan, and thirty-five are attested from Nippur.
[1] Within this corpus appears for the first time that version of the Divine
Dialogue which would become a staple of Mesopotamian Incantation: The Marduk/Ea
Dialogue, in which ritual instruction was conveyed from Enki to Asalluḫi,[2] and
most likely, these instructions were followed by the exorcist in mimetic ritual.

The number of demons attested in this period are few,
primarily the Namtar, Samana, Nimgir [3] and Ala demons [1],
a paucity which contrasts with later periods.
Texts relating to the preperation of ritual figurines are extent
(HS 2439, HS 2315, HS 1368a-b + 1571) and the earliest tabet containing
a complex ceremony dates from this period (CBS 8241). [4]


1. G. Cunningham "Deliever me from Evil: Mesopotamian Incantations: 2500-1500 B.C."

2. Although, in the Early Dynastic period these same roles (Adviser/petitioner) were likely played by Enlil and Ningirima.

3. van Dijk/Geller "Ur III Incantations from the Frau Professor Hilprecht-Collection, Jena"

4. Michael Dick "A Neo-Sumerian Ritual Tablet in Philidelphia", JNES 64
